Panóias is one of the most important parish of the district, 19 kilmetres away from the main parish. It was risen to the category of village in 1096, before the foundation of Nationalityby the Count D. Henrique and D. Teresa. We may, therefore, say that it is the oldest parish in Portugal. Speaking in eclesiastical terms, it was a priorship and a commend of Santiag’s Order. It’s prior had an annual income of a hundred and fifty wheat ‘alqueires’, a hundred and twenty of barley and twenty thousand ‘réis’ in cash.
It received the charter from D. Afonso Henriques, in 1155, through which became one of the first portuguese districts. D. Afonso III renewed the charter and so did D. Manuel in 1512.
The district of Panóias included the right to the representation in the Court, to which could assist 2 judges, 3 town councilor, 1 district attourney, 1 registrar from the Chamber of Orfans, 1 Notary from the Court, 1 Alcayde and a company of Rulers. These numbers demonstrate the importance that Panóias acquired at that time.
Its Coat of Arms was: a blue field, two man’s arms, crossed, with the hands pointing upwards, one dressed in yellow and another in carmine. In the middle of the arms we can see a man’s head with a long beard and long blond hair, representing Christ, that is, the work of Men before the divinity of God.
Along the centuries, although, its importance was decreasing, up to the point when the district became extinct in 1836, following a vast administrative reorganization of the country.
The parish became part of the distric of Messejana, and only in 24th October, 1855 of the district of Ourique.
The church of São Romão, located in São Romão, represents a rooted tradition of the parish: it is said that São Romão was buried here. There is still some traces of the presence of this monastic community.
In the Mother Church, people worship a head said to be the one of São Romão. To be true, it would be placed in the chapel with his name.
It is kept in a gsilver shrine.
This parish is tied to another tradition of the lower Alentejo: the bride of Panóias. It is called bride of Panóias to the woman whch takes too long to dress up and then present herself ill dressed and untidy. It is said that it is in honour of a woman born in Panóias who took three days and three nights to dress up or the ceremony, and then presented herself wrapped in a mat.
I tis a parish which is dedicated mainly to the primary sector of economic activity.
Curiously, it has now almost as many inhabitants as it had in 1820. At that year, they were 770 living in Panóias, nowadays they are a bit
Oracle: São Pedro.
Inhabitants: 875.
Activities: Agriculture, Cattle and traditional commerce
Fairs: Annual (3rd weekend in June).
Celebrations and Festivals: Festival of Panóias (3rd weekend in June) and São Romão (2nd weekend in August).
Cultural Heritage: Mother Church, Church of São Romão, ‘Buraco dos Mouros’ and ‘Mina do Montinho’.
Other interesting places:: Monte de Rocha’s Dam and hunting.
Gastronomy: ‘Gaspacho’, ‘Açorda’, Ceifa’s soup, lamb stew, Bean or corn dinner, pumpkin sweet, sweet rice and fig’s sweet.
Handicrafts: Works in cork, wood and bulrush and needle work.
Collectivities: Sport and Cultural Club of Panóias, Cultural Associaton “A Noiva”, ‘Hunter’s Association of Panóias.
Groups: Instrumental Group of Alentejo’s Chanting “Pssstó Maxoste”, Female Choral Group “Ecos do Sul”, “Karisma” Band and Instrumental Group“Sons do Campo”.
Legends: “Menina do Valverde”; “A Noiva de Panóias”; “No Poço das Armas”; “Panem, Panenas, Panoias, Panóias”.
It received the charter from D. Afonso Henriques, in 1155, through which became one of the first portuguese districts. D. Afonso III renewed the charter and so did D. Manuel in 1512.
The district of Panóias included the right to the representation in the Court, to which could assist 2 judges, 3 town councilor, 1 district attourney, 1 registrar from the Chamber of Orfans, 1 Notary from the Court, 1 Alcayde and a company of Rulers. These numbers demonstrate the importance that Panóias acquired at that time.
Its Coat of Arms was: a blue field, two man’s arms, crossed, with the hands pointing upwards, one dressed in yellow and another in carmine. In the middle of the arms we can see a man’s head with a long beard and long blond hair, representing Christ, that is, the work of Men before the divinity of God.
Along the centuries, although, its importance was decreasing, up to the point when the district became extinct in 1836, following a vast administrative reorganization of the country.
The parish became part of the distric of Messejana, and only in 24th October, 1855 of the district of Ourique.
The church of São Romão, located in São Romão, represents a rooted tradition of the parish: it is said that São Romão was buried here. There is still some traces of the presence of this monastic community.
In the Mother Church, people worship a head said to be the one of São Romão. To be true, it would be placed in the chapel with his name.
It is kept in a gsilver shrine.
This parish is tied to another tradition of the lower Alentejo: the bride of Panóias. It is called bride of Panóias to the woman whch takes too long to dress up and then present herself ill dressed and untidy. It is said that it is in honour of a woman born in Panóias who took three days and three nights to dress up or the ceremony, and then presented herself wrapped in a mat.
I tis a parish which is dedicated mainly to the primary sector of economic activity.
Curiously, it has now almost as many inhabitants as it had in 1820. At that year, they were 770 living in Panóias, nowadays they are a bit
Oracle: São Pedro.
Inhabitants: 875.
Activities: Agriculture, Cattle and traditional commerce
Fairs: Annual (3rd weekend in June).
Celebrations and Festivals: Festival of Panóias (3rd weekend in June) and São Romão (2nd weekend in August).
Cultural Heritage: Mother Church, Church of São Romão, ‘Buraco dos Mouros’ and ‘Mina do Montinho’.
Other interesting places:: Monte de Rocha’s Dam and hunting.
Gastronomy: ‘Gaspacho’, ‘Açorda’, Ceifa’s soup, lamb stew, Bean or corn dinner, pumpkin sweet, sweet rice and fig’s sweet.
Handicrafts: Works in cork, wood and bulrush and needle work.
Collectivities: Sport and Cultural Club of Panóias, Cultural Associaton “A Noiva”, ‘Hunter’s Association of Panóias.
Groups: Instrumental Group of Alentejo’s Chanting “Pssstó Maxoste”, Female Choral Group “Ecos do Sul”, “Karisma” Band and Instrumental Group“Sons do Campo”.
Legends: “Menina do Valverde”; “A Noiva de Panóias”; “No Poço das Armas”; “Panem, Panenas, Panoias, Panóias”.

Panoia's train station.